Pediatric Dentistry



Pediatric Dentistry

Pediatric Dentistry

Pedodontics is the specialized field of dentistry dedicated to diagnosing, treating, and preventing issues related to the teeth and oral health of children from infancy to the age of 13.

Upon the eruption of a child's first teeth, it is advisable to schedule a dental examination. During this assessment, your dentist will provide guidance on maintaining your baby's oral hygiene and recommend regular intervals for dental check-ups.

Preparing Your Child for the Initial Dental Visit:

  • Avoid recounting negative personal dental experiences, aiming for positive discussions about dentists in the presence of your child.
  • Parents should communicate information about dental appointments on the same morning. Advance notification may contribute to anxiety in children. Address your child's questions without delving into excessive detail.
  • Exposure to videos or literature about dental procedures can positively impact your child's perception.
  • Optimal scheduling of the dental appointment, avoiding times when your child might be tired or hungry, enhances cooperation.
  • Refrain from using negative phrases such as 'don't be scared,' 'it won't hurt,' or 'if you don't get treated, your tooth will have to be pulled out.'
  • Ensure your child is well-fed unless otherwise indicated.

Dental Sealants:

Dental sealants act as a protective layer applied to the chewing surfaces of molars to minimize the risk of tooth decay. This safeguard prevents the infiltration of food particles and bacteria into the grooves of the tooth surface. Application of dental sealants is recommended for all children's molars as soon as they emerge. While sealants typically have a long lifespan, periodic checks are necessary. If signs of chipping or fractures are observed, replacement is advised.

Fluoride and Its Benefits:

Fluoride is an essential trace element vital to the human body and has been utilized for over 50 years in developed countries for the prevention and control of tooth decay. Fluoride enhances tooth enamel's resistance to acids formed in the mouth, combating bacteria responsible for tooth decay. It impedes the breakdown of the crystal structure of tooth enamel and facilitates repair.

Regular brushing with fluoride toothpaste contributes to both mechanical plaque removal and the presence of a low dose of fluoride on the tooth surface. This fortifies teeth against acid attacks that lead to decay.

While the use of fluoride toothpaste doesn't guarantee complete prevention of tooth decay, incorporating proper brushing, regular flossing, protective treatments, routine dental check-ups, and a wholesome diet collectively offer effective protection.