Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)



Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

Root Canal Treatment (Endodontics)

Root canal treatment is a procedure performed to eliminate bacteria in an infected or non-vital root canal, prevent the tooth from re-infection, and save the natural tooth. In this treatment, the infected or non-vital pulp tissue is removed, and the root canals are carefully cleaned, disinfected, and sealed in an impermeable manner.

If you experience spontaneous tooth pain, severe sensitivity to hot or cold, the formation of abscess or swelling on the face due to tooth infection, pain during biting, or pus discharge from the gum, you should consult your dentist, considering the need for root canal treatment.

The initial stage of root canal treatment involves a detailed radiological and clinical examination. After evaluating the tooth and surrounding tissues inside the mouth, a radiological examination is conducted. Local anesthesia is applied to the relevant area to ensure effective anesthesia. Subsequently, the root canals are cleaned and shaped using appropriate tools, and antiseptic solutions are used to disinfect the root canals. The final stage of root canal treatment is the filling stage, where the root canals are sealed in an impermeable manner with a rubber-like material. As important as the root canal treatment itself, the filling stage ensures that bacteria within the oral cavity cannot reach the root canal. After treatment, it is crucial to obtain information from your dentist about the appropriate restoration for your tooth, considering that teeth treated with root canal therapy are prone to breakage.

After completing root canal treatment, nothing should be eaten until the effects of the anesthesia have completely worn off. If your root canal treatment is not completed in a single session, avoid eating hard foods between sessions to prevent the tooth from breaking. During session breaks, refrain from consuming sticky foods to prevent the temporary filling from dislodging. After root canal treatment, you may experience varying degrees of pain and sensitivity during biting for some time. If the pain or sensitivity persists, you can use the pain relievers recommended by your doctor.